
Interact with people and machines in real-time. Instantly send new info over the web to one or many devices. Zap richly integrates a few or a few thousand users with your website or app. All this, for free, as in "free beer". No signup required!

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Zap Overview

Zap is a free web service designed to make bidirectional client communication efficient and easy. Drop-in features like page commenting, chat (open or moderated), real-time sub-page analytic reporting, and emergency alerts don't require any programming knowledge. Developers can hit the ground running with our clean JSON-based HTTP APIs and event-driven client libraries. Optional archiving provides simple query-able storage for user, public, and private data.
Zap is powered by our professionally managed Zap servers. Using ultra-fast event IO and super-scalable architecture, they can reach any internet-connected device in milliseconds. We maintain and operate the servers 24/7/365 so you can forget about about downtime or hackers.
Common applications include: online chat, emergency/instant notifications, real-time monitoring and analytics, second screen experiences, data synchronization, multi-platform integration, precision/reactive ad delivery, digital sinage, multiplayer gaming, collaborative editing, stock tickers, instant reaction polling, weather/traffic updates, scientific data logging, and more.
If your site or app is free, so is Zap. We want to help the world by giving it away to students, teachers, service organizations, churches, community media outlets, and even just amateur tinkerers. At Zap, we like making better more than making money. We even give our leftover funds to non-profits. If you want to use Zap to make money, we offer a commercial license for only $100/month.


Real-Time Synchronization
Put all your users on the same page. No more refreshing to get updates. No more wasteful background pinging. No more 5 second delays. Real time means now.
Code Fast, Code Once
Zap's JavaScript client runs on the browser, worker threads, and node.js backends. Other systems can integrate with zap's sockets using the HTTP API to send messages, query saved values, and wait for future messages using delayed-responses.
No Server Needed
Zap not only delivers real-time info, it also archives it. It lets you focus on building a rich client experience instead of database tables, security patches, and all that boring stuff.
Performance Big+Small
Broadcast and respond at 30 round-trips/second. Archive at 15,000 items/min sustained and 1500 items/second bursts. Query 250,000 items/sec. Keep clients connected while consuming less than 1MB of bandwidth/day.
No Required Dependencies
You don't need to paint yourself into a corner with Zap, you can use whatever tools you like, or no tools at all. By eliminating dependencies, Zap plays well with other frameworks, libraries, and platforms.
Plugins & Integrations
Zap's plugins make common tasks easier. Roll out an indexed database, globally sync an MVC model with one call, write interactive web apps without any javascript, add encryption, and more using zap plugins.
Platform Independent
Wordpress? No problem. Cordova App? we got you covered. Erlang? dang, you're too smart; better use our simple HTTP API.
Nothing to Install or Maintain
No sign-up, setup, updates, patches, complex licensing or stack incompatibilities. We worry about keeping it fast and safe, you worry about something else.

Zap Support

No matter if you're just getting started or are a seasoned professional, there's always something new to learn and discuss about Zap!


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